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Force sensor installation requires attention
Force sensor installation requires attention
We know that the accuracy of the force sensor is very important, so in the course of work, to ensure the accuracy of the sensor maintenance has become the top priority. Requires more effort in the daily maintenance, from the most basic start, and strive to do every one maintenance steps. So, in order to ensure the smooth operation of the sensor, which needs to have tips tricks it? In particular, to strengthen the installation which aspects of attention to it?

First, in terms of the use of force sensors, it is necessary to adjust the position of the sensor to do, to be seen as fragile as the sensor to reduce vibration sensors, light moving light as far as possible, because a lot of sensors which are designed with elastic means, these elastic means is extremely crucial for the stability of the sensor, and requires strict, any very small vibrations of the elastic to the sensor will cause great impact sensor, thereby affecting the accuracy of the sensor.

Force sensor in the installation process also requires a lot of attention to detail on the issues, such as the degree requirements for indoor ventilation, temperature and humidity of attention, etc., in their daily environment, a little to climate change, to be a little attention . Therefore, to the proper use of the sensor, not only to read the instruction manual of the product itself, as far as possible to avoid risks, but also often to pay attention to maintenance, so that the sensor can prolong life.

Precise sensors we need to carefully tended, in order to draw precise measurement process data, it must be strictly in accordance with maintenance standards, whether it is small or major component parts, whether it is the climate problem or environmental requirements, needs time alert sensor changes.